
If you got it, Flaunt it!

 Day 3 Okay, to get my juices flowing, along with writing, I have also started reading. Some regular news from Well, I do read but since I specialize in FMCG, it made sense to subscribe to some regular news (brilliant!!, right?).  Anyways, I read an article yesterday that gave me an idea for a research piece. So, apparently, food fraud is $50 billion - a - year - global - problem. Of which Australia contributes to $3 billion. Did not expect that, honestly. So a little more research told me that if the food is Australia Made (i.e. ingredients and everything), then its subject to Australian rules and regulations. So better control and hence, AU made products can be better relied upon.  Now, I have done a lot of work for clients trying to understand how important is for people that what they buy is AU made. I mean, its not like its easy to produce in Australia. Its quite expensive for countries. Once Covid struck, there was a clear increase in demand for AU made product

To Automate or No(automate)

 Day 2 So, I have created a product. A research tool that helps companies evaluate their ideas/ innovations/ concepts.  And by evaluate, I mean test with consumers to see how well they are being accepted - If they are desirable. Now, there is nothing new about this product (well, the reason I write this blog is to be honest here, so...yeah). There are tonnes of other such products in the market - all companies have their models to do idea testing.  Believe me, its not difficult to build a model. You just need a reasoning behind it. There are so many theories flying across. Pick the one that you feel is the best, and build a product. But it takes time to turn around a project. Analysing and understanding the data. However, there are lots of tech products that can turn around a project in a matter of hours! Of course, the quality of not the same. Its basic level reporting. But apparently, they are enough to take multi-million dollar decisions on.- So, should I automate the product? Stand

Getting Some Perspective

Day 1 Okay, first blog entry. I remember rolling my eyes every time someone told me they were a software engineer (another one!! I thought). But this was back in 2000 when I did not realise - not being a techie will be one of my bigger regrets in life. Fast forward to 2022 and everything is about internet and technology. Either things are being built online or moving online. You cannot run away from it.  How can one survive if they don't understand technology at all? At 40, what do I do? Learn Python? Trust me, I have tried. But apart from being able to talk 1 min about it, I have learnt nothing. Definitely not enough to create something. Not even enough to destroy something :( A lot of the work I do has been taken over by technology. So what do we do? .....What do we do? Well, the good thing is I married a yayyy!! And he is enthused about doing/ creating something of value. Quite entrepreneurial.  So when I started my company in late 2020 (old story - covid- lost job,